Monday, May 4, 2020
Distribution Of Questionnaires Respondents â€Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss About The Distribution Of Questionnaires Respondents? Answer: Introducation The topic includes the collection of quantitative data that has been collected with the distribution of survey questionnaires to the respondents. The primary data has been collected from the responses of managers and respondents who have been taken as samples during the research process in a quantitative way. The secondary data sources were mainly from the various journals, articles, documents and Internet websites where relevant data and information had been found related to the research topic (Blumberg, Cooper Schindler, 2014). Primary data The research methodology used the quantitative data, which had been collected based on the responses and opinions of the customers on the survey questionnaires that were provided to them. The customers within the Chinese luxury fashion sector have been asked several questions relevant to the research topic and they filled the questionnaires submitted to them. The quantitative data on the other hand has been gathered from the responses of the customers who have been considered as research samples (Brinkmann, 2014). The respondents have been selected at first and then they have been provided with survey questionnaires where they provided their opinions and responses. The quantitative data is a major part of the primary data. Secondary data The secondary data has been collected from various journals, articles, internet web sites that were found relevant to the research topic concerned with the impact of brand image, valueandperception of the loyalty of customers. Few of the keywords that have been searched while collecting secondary data during the research are Chinese luxury fashion sector, brand image, value of a brand, perception of customers, etc (Caniato et al., 2014). Adopted data source Based on the positivism research philosophy and deductive approach of research, the research is primary and so quantitative data have been gathered from the customers present within the Chinese luxury fashion sector. The research supports various surveys and information systems to obtain data related to the research and the existing studies have been reviewed as well for gaining an in-depth analysis of the sampling strategy and other components of data in an effective way (Choi Chiu, 2012). The primary data sources that have been adopted include the major informants of the case study while the secondary data sources were the review articles where the reviews and opinions of respondents were present, technical documents, annual reports of the organisations that are needed for conducting the interviews. The secondary data sources are useful for cross-checking the important data and information, identify the major events and the causes, obtain technical details as well s determine the major organizational players and their roles. Therefore, these are the major sources of data that have been adopted while conducting the research efficiently (Flick, 2015). Data collection approaches There are various ways or approaches of collecting data and information during the research. The approaches of collecting data are effective for both primary and secondary data collection. The most important data collection approaches followed here are semi-structured interviews, observing the participants, group discussions, secondary data analysis and distribution of survey questionnaires. The interviews were conducted with the managers of the organisation to collect primary qualitative data and the questions have been conceptual rather than being representativeness (Glesne, 2015). Quantitative The quantitative data was gathered by involving the participants of the research and were provided survey questionnaires to them, which would be filled by them. The research questionnaires would contain various questions related to the research topic and its components like brand image, brand value and perception of customers. Group discussions should also be there for gathering their responses and opinions and discuss about certain matters about how brand image, value and perception of customers could be beneficial for creating a positive impact on the loyalty of customers within the luxury fashion sector of China (Leary, 2016). To collect qualitative data, interviews were arranged based on the non-probability convenient sampling technique for allowing the managers to take part in the data collection procedure according to their convenient time. During the interviews, the managers of the organizations were asked certain questions that had been relevant to the research topic and also with the purpose of fulfilling the outcomes and requirements of the research. The managers were asked questions that were conceptual rather than being representative (Liu et al., 2013). The qualitative data has been collected with the involvement of interviewees who have knowledge about the topic and have experiences in management and issues related to the organisations. Adopted data collection approach The most suitable approaches to collect data have been the semi-structured interviews conducted with the managers of the organisations and the distribution of survey questionnaires to the respondents who have been selected as samples. The group discussion approach has been considered as effective too for collecting data with ease and effectiveness (Miller et al., 2012). Research design There are three different types of research designs including the exploratory, explanatory and descriptive research designs. The exploratory research helps in managing the research based on the hypothetical or theoretical data. The researcher can easily understand the observations made and gain proper understanding to create a ground work for doing the research in the future as well. It can also be beneficial for researching the existing theories and concepts and furthermore create an initial ground work for conducting the research in the future with ease and efficiency (Neuman Robson, 2014). The explanatory research on the other hand helps in exploring the new concepts of the research to enhance the knowledge and other aspects during the research conduction. It is sued to connect ideas and determine the cause and effect of research, furthermore focus on determining the ways things interact and predict the outcomes that may be generate din the future. The descriptive research design is the most suitable design of research because it explores the new found information and data in much more details as well as fill up the gaps for expanding the understanding of the research. The additional information collected can also help in making assumptions and elaborate the models to predict the future outcomes and determine the actual causes rather than demonstrating why it happened (Panneerselvam, 2014). Questionnaire design The questionnaires are designed by making the questions conceptual and not representative, so that it can be easily understood by the participants. The research survey questionnaires must be able to fulfill the objectives of the research and ensure that the research bring good outcomes all throughout. The questions present should be target based consisting of definite options so that those could be easily responded to by the respondents. The target questions should be according to the problems defined along with the chosen hypothesis and objectives that are needed to be achieved during the research (Silverman, 2016). The respondents should be knowledgeable about the research topic and have ideas behind the questions and authority of the subject matter. Pilot testing The pilot testing enables to select a sample size of the populationand then conduct the research process to determine the use friendliness and reliability of the survey questionnaires that have been developed. The pilot testing enables to select the sample size based on the normal practices and literature that has been provided. The various respondents who participated in the pilot testing provided their answers regarding their convenience and ease of understanding the questions present in the survey questionnaires. Few changes were made as well if the questions are found not relevant to the research or had been difficult to understand b the participants. Focus groups are considered as effective for the pilot testing which can not only identify the problem of the research but will also allow the researcher to go ahead with the final finished questionnaire(Smith, 2015). The pilot testing would be further useful for administering the survey questionnaire based on the sample size chosen . Data analysis methods The analysis of data is done with the use of SPSS tool and MS excel software tools to present the data and information in graphical and table formats, so that the researcher can understand those with ease. The data analysis can help in determine the accuracy of data and information and furthermore determine the conclusion based on the research outcomes (Snyder, 2012). Coding The coding is an effective process which has been sued here for managing the analysis of both qualitative and quantitative data. The coding is useful for analyzing the quantitative results from the questionnaire and qualitative data derived from the interview transcripts for facilitating the process of analysis. The coding helps in transforming the data into a particular form that can be understood by the computer system to present the research outcomes conveniently (Taylor, BogdanDeVault, 2015). Statistics The statistics are managed for collecting the data, analyse those and finally make a reference from the data. The statistical data methods also help inccommunicating the research findings and support the hypothesis to provide credibility to the methods of the research and derive good conclusion in the end (Best Kahn, 2016). Sampling There are two different kinds of sampling methods including the probability and non-probability sampling methods. The sampling is mainly done to ensure that a group of individuals is selected among the huge population who can provide their responses and opinions related to the questions asked regarding the research topic. The probability sampling techniques include random sampling where specific groups of people are selected randomly whereas the non-probability sampling method includes the purposive and convenient sampling for obtaining quantitative and qualitative data respectively (Brinkmann, 2014). The concept of sampling The random sampling and purposive sampling methods helped in collecting the data from the quantitative samples, i.e., the customers and other individuals who had been involved in the research process. The non-probability convenient sampling method helped in providing a suitable time for the managers to take part in the interview process to deliver their useful opinions and feedbacks regarding the research (Caniato et al., 2014). Sampling of this study Based on the analysis of data, it could be understood that 300 respondents had been considered as quantitative samples while 50 managers of the organizations were considered as qualitative samples during the research conduction. Thus the sample size chosen here had been 300 for quantitative samples and 50 for qualitative samples (Flick, 2015). The reliability of research means how much the research is valid and appropriate in terms of quality and outcomes derived. The reliability of research had helped in making an assessment of the quality of the measurement procedures that had been utilized for collecting data during the research. The procedures of measurement were appropriate, due to which the results obtained had been valid and appropriate as well (Glesne, 2015). Validity The validity of the research showed that whether the data and information used in the research had been accurate or not to derive positive outcomes. The validity of the research showed that the research had been sound and appropriate and all the designs, methods and research approaches were correct. The data collection procedures were also valid because the findings represented the actual phenomenon that were claimed by the researcher to measure prior to the research conduction (Leary, 2016). Limitations Few limitations faced during the research are language barriers and lack of time to conduct the research properly. Due to language barriers, the questionnaires were difficult to understand for certain individuals and even they managed to skip few of the questions that were present in the survey questionnaires provided to them. The time was less as well, though the research had been competed within the allocated time frame. Still, come additional time would have been beneficial for conducting the research in much more details and explore the areas that had been left uncovered previously while conducting the research effectively (Miller et al., 2012). References Best, J. W., Kahn, J. V. (2016).Research in education.Pearson Education India. Blumberg, B. F., Cooper, D. R., Schindler, P. S. (2014).Business research methods.McGraw-hill education. Brinkmann, S. (2014). Interview. InEncyclopedia of Critical Psychology(pp. 1008-1010).Springer New York. Caniato, F., Caridi, M., Moretto, A., Sianesi, A., Spina, G. (2014). Integrating international fashion retail into new product development.International Journal of Production Economics,147, 294-306. Choi, T. M., Chiu, C. H. (2012). Mean-downside-risk and mean-variance newsvendor models: Implications for sustainable fashion retailing.International Journal of Production Economics,135(2), 552-560. Flick, U. 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