Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Classic English Literature Research Paper Topics #038; Ideas
Classic English Literature Research Paper Topics #038; Ideas The subject of Classic English literature is more complicated than it seems at first glance. A work of literature must not be read as a separate story, but it should be perceived in the context of time. Hence, reading a book, one should consider when it was written, who the author is, and where it is placed with regard to all the other books of the whole literature. Thus, the subject of classic English literature influences as well as it is influenced by the literature of other countries, other genres of art, different philosophical ideas, popular trends, and historical events. While choosing the topic for the research in classic English literature, it is necessary to select the focus of the work. Having a focus, one has to choose the idea to work on. This may be a certain author, work, style, or the investigation of the correlations between two or more works. Topics and Ideas for Classic English Literature Research Paper Here are examples of topics for the classic English literature research paper: The Influence of Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde on The Incredible Hulk The topic that concerns the influence of classic literature on popular culture is particularly interesting due to the generally unknown origin of the characters and stories. Stan Lee, one of the makers of the character of Hulk, mentioned that the story about Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde had inspired him to create the character mentioned above. Thus, this research paper will concern similarities and differences between the stories about Hulk and Mr. Hyde to establish the borrowed and newly created details. Evolution of the Vampire’s Image from Dracula to The Twilight Saga In this research paper, the image of the vampire that was created by Bram Stoker will be compared to the image of the vampire from The Twilight Saga, which was based on the books by Stephenie Meyer. Thus, it will be possible to conclude that the image of the vampire has transformed from the monster into a Byronic hero by softening the rough edges. Compare and Contrast of The Tragedy of Macbeth and House of Cards The lust for power is the central ambition of the character of Macbeth from The Tragedy of Macbeth by Shakespeare and Francis Underwood from House of Cards, the TV series by Netflix. In this paper, the similarities and differences between the two stories will be investigated. The characters of the classic play will be compared to the characters of the Netflix product. For instance, the central character of the play, Macbeth and his wife correspond to Francis and Clair Underwood. Robinsonade of The Martian This topic will critically review The Martian, the movie featuring Matt Damon. The Martian will be evaluated as the story about a castaway, which is the motif originally used by Daniel Defoe in Robinson Crusoe. Thus, The Martian is a particularly interesting story that is created with the use of the motifs of classic English literature rather than remaking the original one, which is a popular trend nowadays. The Lord of the Rings: The Origins The Lord of the Rings trilogy written by J. R. R. Tolkien influenced the genre of fantasy and popular culture because further works in this genre have inherited the features of Tolkien’s mythopoeia. However, Tolkien has created his fictional world and its characters on the basis of English mythology and the stories about King Arthur. In such a way, modern fantasy literature is based on English mythology, which was derived from the works by Tolkien. Thus, the study of the origins of Tolkien’s story is necessary for understanding modern literature. Postmodern Interpretations of the Classic Stories on the Example of Pride and Prejudice Pastiche and mashup are the popular genres of modern literature. Both of them transform the original content of the novel to generate new meaning or to reconsider the original message of the story. Pride and Prejudice and Zombies created by Seth Grahame-Smith is an example of a mashup that parodies Pride and Prejudice, the novel by Jane Austen. This paper will examine the changes, which were made in the original text and their necessity. Supernatural Elements in Beowulf Beowulf is the epic that depicts pagan story from the point of view of the Christian author. In this story, elements of pagan mythology are viewed through the prism of the worldview of another religion, and thus, they are transformed to be discredited. For instance, monsters, such as Grendel, are called to be the descendants of Cain, who is a villain in Biblical mythology. Thus, this work will analyze the negative attitude towards the elements of the pagan mythology in Beowulf. The Archetype of Noble Outlaw This research work will investigate the common traits of the type of character that can be described as a noble outlaw. The sources for this work will include the novel Captain Blood: His Odyssey by Rafael Sabatini and the ballads about Robin Hood. The Tragic Figure of Lucifer in Paradise Lost Paradise Lost by John Milton is an epic poem written in the 17th century. The plot of the poem revises the Biblical stories from the book of Genesis, as well as it adds the point of view of the Biblical villain Lucifer. In such a way, Lucifer expresses his thoughts and feelings and transforms from a villain into a tragic hero. Thus, the topic of this work will be the investigation of the transformation of Lucifer’s character. The Reasons for Fictional Languages in Literature Three of the most popular fictional languages in literature are Quenya, spoken by elves in Tolkien’s works, Nadsat from Burgess’s Clockwork Orange, and Newspeak from Orwell’s 1984. All of them are designed to serve different purposes in the books and are necessary to create an atmosphere of fantasy, demonstrate the independent teenager subculture, or show how language may influence the worldview. In this paper, the reasons for the creation of the three mentioned languages will be researched. The Issue of Purpose of Life in Frankenstein Frankenstein is a novel that tells a story about a man who took the role of God and created life. Life was created is a monster that questions himself and his creator about the purpose of his existence. Thus, this novel raises one of the fundamental philosophical issues, which is the purpose of life. In this paper, the answer by Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein on the issue of the purpose of life will be investigated. Compare and Contrast of 1984 and Brave New World Both 1984 and Brave New World are dystopian novels, but the societies described in each book are different. In this research paper, the social orders and their influence on the societies from the books will be investigated. Psychoanalytic Explanation of the Indecisiveness of Hamlet Hamlet, the main character of the play by the same name, written by William Shakespeare, reveals that his uncle has taken his father’s life to become the King. The whole play is devoted to the retribution of Hamlet, who delays it until the end of the play and makes it because of being provoked. In this work, a psychoanalytical explanation of Hamlet’s indecisiveness will be investigated. Satire of Gullivers Travels Gullivers Travels was a novel that criticized popular literary genres, as well as political issues of that time in a satirical manner. Being published several years after Defoe’s Robinson Crusoe, the novel mocked the genre of the traveler’s tale. Moreover, the political system of Lilliput hinted at the failures of European politics. In such a way, this paper will investigate the idea behind the imagery made by Jonathan Swift. Romanticized Image of the Medieval in Ivanhoe The picture of the middle ages in Ivanhoe by Walter Scott is far from realistic. Being a Romanticist, Scott flattered the Dark Ages. Thus, this paper will investigate the influence of romanticism on the Medieval on the example of Ivanhoe by Walter Scott. The Changed Image of Piracy in Treasure Island The typical image of a pirate owes its look to the depiction of pirates in popular culture. However, the first author, who misrepresented piracy, was Robert Lewis Stephenson, who wrote Treasure Island. This paper will study the influence of Stephenson on the representation of piracy. The War of the Worlds as a Reaction to the Fear of a War At the end of the 19th century, novels about invasion were a popular trend in literature. The thing is that society of that time felt political tension between the European empires. In this work, The War of the Worlds by Herbert Wells will be studied as a representation of the feeling of insecurity due to the oncoming World War I. Ideas of Communism in Utopia Utopia by Thomas More is a social and political satire that ridicules the ideas of the perfect society where there is no private property. In such a way, the book by More criticizes the ideas of Communism before its emergence. In this research paper, the communists’ ideas in More’s Utopia will be studied. Robert Burns’ Influence on Romanticism Robert Burns was a proto-romantic poet who is famous for spontaneous and sincere lyrics all over the world. His style has influenced William Wordsworth, Samuel Coleridge, and other romanticists. Thus, in this paper, the style of Burns’ poems will be studied. Camus’ Ideas in Waiting for Godot Waiting for Godot is a play crafted by Samuel Beckett, an author who was inspired by Camus’ absurdism. Thus, this research will concern the implementation of the Camus’ philosophy in Waiting for Godot. Conclusion To sum up, the topics for the research in classic English literature may as well concern the other fields of humanities, such as philosophy, history, psychology, ethics, and various art genres. Hence, it is necessary to investigate the issues, phenomena, or events the original topic is connected with. Thus, literature may extend and evolve different ideas, and the research in literature is often beyond the scope of a single text. However, there is a common problem concerning the research in classic English literature, which is a personal opinion of the researcher. While personal opinion has the right to exist, it must be supported by the facts. In other cases, the opinion may distract from the research, and in such a way, the work transforms into personal reflection or flow of consciousness. Thus, as far as the format of the research essay is concerned, even such liberal subject as classic English literature requires a scientific approach and critical thinking skills.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Laptop vs. Freewrite An Infographic - Freewrite Store
Laptop vs. Freewrite An Infographic - Freewrite Store I want to run a quick experiment with you. Grab your laptop, open up a new Word document, and see how long you can write before you get interrupted by some sort of notification on your phone or computer. How long did you make it? I got through a whole 2 minutes before I saw the 'new email' notification pop up on my computer. Naturally, I figured that this email was of grave importance, so I stopped what I was writing mid-sentence and checked it. It turned out to be an advertisement for car insurance. That made me curious about what I was currently paying for car insurance, so I logged into my account to check my policy. Long story short, I ended up going down a crazy internet rabbit hole, and after about 20 minutes, I somehow found myself reading an article about what type of lizard the GEICO lizard is. By the time I finally got back to my document, my train of thought had long since departed.  While technology has made amazing strides in global connectivity and communication, it also has costs. Modern devices like laptops and smartphones are designed to be ‘jack-of-all-trades’ tools that can be used to do almost anything you want - but as we just saw, the simple task of writing uninterrupted for more than 5 minutes straight is a struggle. We've designed the perfect solution to counter this problem: The Freewrite Smart Typewriter. Unlike laptops or phones, we've specifically designed the Freewrite to be exceptional at one thing, and one thing only: writing. Check out how laptops stack up to Freewrite in a head to head match up:
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Management Information Systems Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Management Information Systems - Assignment Example Evidently, these activities will assist the organization to improve its productivity automatically and hence to optimize communication across all layers of the organization and between the organization and the supplier. To illustrate, each football kit sold in a retail outlet is communicated to the supplier automatically and the supplier in turn will send more football kits to the retailer to address the shortage of items sold. Electronic data interchange is the most applied form of inter-organizational system and it facilitates instantaneous information transfer from computer to computer. An effective IOS can benefit an organization in several ways. First, it greatly aids the organization to reduce overall risk level in the organization, and to take advantages of economies of scale. Second, an IOS helps the organization to utilize the exchange of technologies and to increase competitiveness to a great extent. Finally, this system is beneficial for organizations to eliminate investme nt barriers and enhance global communication. There are some potential challenges to inter-organizational systems. ... Since there are no effective assessment methods and benefits measurement processes, system managers find it difficult to convince the top management about the feasibility of financing an inter-organizational system. Due to this weakness, managers cannot evaluate employee performance in connection with the IOS operations. In short, it is difficult to identify how an IOS influences the supply chain efficiency and the overall organizational performance. If the employees are not familiar with the inter-organizational system, it can be a challenging task for the system managers to ensure proper flow of information within the organization. Lack of funding is another challenge unique to IOS. As mentioned already, the top management often hesitates to fund IOS needs because most of the IOS benefits are intangible and the top management officials cannot be easily convinced about the potentiality of those intangible benefits. Finally, fast changing technologies, particularly information techno logy raise potential threats to the efficacy and affordability of the inter-organizational system. 2. Digital Economy Digital economy can be simply stated as an economy which is based on technologies. Digital economy is interchangeably referred to as internet economy, web economy, or new economy. With the emergence of new business practices and technologies, the concept of digital economy is being greatly intertwined with the traditional economy but a clear delineation is very difficult. The term digital economy was coined by Don Tapscott in his book titled ‘The digital economy: Promise and peril in the age of networked intelligence’. According to the Australian
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
The difficulties of complaining Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
The difficulties of complaining - Essay Example It makes people feel special. Excellent patient care is the most important piece to keep hospital rooms full. As an example, â€Å"Mr Tadeus Kowalski was admitted to the ward a year ago for rehabilitation following hip replacement in an elective orthopedic centre. He has had a second hip replacement and there are plans to transfer him to the ward again for rehabilitation, Mr Kowalski and his family said they did not want him to return to the ward. Mr Kowalski has Parkinsons disease and said that, although his medication should have been given three hourly, it was often late. This caused him greater distress and impeded his recovery. In his notes, there are several entries indicating that he, his wife and family have been asked to keep his own medication as his medication has not been given on time. As cure costs more than prevention, to alleviate Mr Kowalski concerns and enable him to accept the rehabilitation, hospital needs to provide special ward and appoint a dedicated nurse for him. There is a requirement for the doctor to visit the patient more informally other than the scheduled official rounds.. He should be provided with labeled medicines and with chart indicating its dosage and time to take it, which will be helpful in absence of attendant. There are several such cases which affect hospital reputation. Many such problems creep up due to communication gap between working staff and patients, unawareness of staff regarding importance of timely medication or their neglecting behavior. Generally older people need more care as well as attention; thus, they should be allotted separate wards with a dedicated attendant to take care of their needs. Official visits by responsible persons should be increased to gather customer feedbacks. Emergency services should be more prompt. All patients, including old people, should be educated for self medication.
Sunday, November 17, 2019
History of British Empire Notes Essay Example for Free
History of British Empire Notes Essay History of the British Empire leading to the establishment of the commonwealth This work contains information about the British Empire compared to the Roman Empire than compared to the Spartans. This shows who done b=worse things and was it worth going through all of that if their Empire is not the best? My work also contains certain opinions(mine and my dad) and tan some extra information about the commonwealth, what they do and who’s involved in it. I say that that British Empire changed the world the most because their economic system and schooling system means they had technology and money to build army and navies in Rome could only dream of. However the British got their political and law system from the Romans and Rome in the day had great economic power. ‘The sun never sets on the British Empire’ Is a well-known saying about the British Empire because there was a lot of colonies around the world which meant it was daytime somewhere in the Empire. The British Empire covered the largest land area ever ruled over by one nation, this involved over 166 countries. The British Empire began around the 1700, even though there is no longer considered an empire it still has a vast commonwealth network (this means that there are still some colonies that still believe in the British Empire) However, the Roman Empire lasted over 1,000 years and stretched from Britain to the Middle East. Much of the building technology of the Romans were adopted by the western world and are still used today. 2,000 years later. The Romans had much less of advanced tools to work with and the longer length of the time they was an empire. There are many good and bad points about the Roman Empire but what shocked me the most was that they took over neighbouring countries in their plan to take over the world; they tried to do this through violence and destruction. They would use black slaves and animals as entertainment; this would involve blood and violence. This would be held in the Colluseam. They also had massive amounts of slaves and killed hundred thousand during their conquest. The Empire wasn’t all that bad, considering the Empire was so big there had to be harsh and inhumane things to keep control of it. But things like the gladiatorial games weren’t necessary as without the slave the Roman Empire wouldn’t have been as successful and prosperous as they were. I think that the slaves deserve a lot of credit in making the Empire a success, even though what the Romans done to them were harsh and despicable. If I was to compare the Roman Empire to the Spartans, really the Roman Empire would be k nown as what they done would have been common at the time as the Spartans put a whole race into slavery and never let one of them rise above being classed as a slave. The Romans was quite cruel as they would torture slaves, child molestation, rape, poison and incest slaughter, this was just some of the things they would to the slaves compared the British Empire which invaded countries, changed most of their original cultures, once used privateers(pirates that were authorized by the government) would be used to plunder enemy ships during war and encouraged the colonies even in America to do the same. So I have compared the British Empire to the Roman Empire who was then compared to the Spartans and to conclude my research i believe that we should be proud the British Empire as we was much more civilised and didn’t go over the top in attempting to take over the world unlike the Roman Empire who would put people/slaves through the worst things to try to succeed in taking over the world. Just to make things clear the Spartans was far worst as they put a whole race into slavery and that’s all they would be. I asked my dad if he is proud o f the British Empire and he said: ‘At the time they brought allot of civilisation to many places that lacked in it, in different countries they helped build rail roads, postal services, and religion.’ Than I asked him if he was proud of it now, he replied: ‘Yes because nowadays we have strong, economical and commercial ties with the common wealth countries’ I don’t think my dad was too sure about the bad points but apart from that it was clear that he is proud of the British Empire because of how much it has helped the world today. The coalition government has set out a vision to strengthen the commonwealth as a focus for promoting democratic values and development. There are 54 independent sovereign states in the commonwealth. The commonwealth are a group of countries working in the same direction to promote the common interest of their people and promotion of international understanding. Membership of the commonwealth is voluntary , it is 63 years old, it has 54 member states which together comprise over 2 billion citizens. Her majesty the queen is head of the commonwealth, membership of the commonwealth does not bring with it contractual obligations rather members commit to a series of statements of believes esta blished by heads of government. The priorities and programmes of the commonwealth: 1.Good offices for peace- strengthen democratic processes and institutions 2.Rule of law- promoting the rule of law is seen enhancing democracy, good governments and development across the membership 3.Human rights- aims to assist members in the adoption and implementation of international human rights 4.Economic development-to assist developing countries to improve their understanding of international trade rules and regulations and to help them strengthen their negotiations within the world trade organisation. 5.Environmentally sustainable development- the commonwealth brings together industrialised countries with significant greenhouse gas emissions. 6.Large emerging economies- notable energy production and some of the poorest and the most vulnerable economies. 7.Human development- the commonwealth works towards the millennium development goals and is partially active in education, gender and health.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Paediatric palliative care Essay -- Health, Nurses, Health Care Provid
Paediatric palliative care is a taboo topic in today’s society. Paediatric palliative care is a topic that society avoided and does not want to deal with. The World Health Organization (WHO) defines paediatric palliative care as palliative care is the attempt to improve the quality of life in patients who are facing life-threatening illnesses and family members through the prevention and relief of suffering with early detection and treatment of pain, physical, psychosocial, or spiritual (Liben, Wolfe & Papadatou, 2008, p. 852). Some of the current issues surrounding paediatric palliative care is that health care providers, mainly nurses are feeling the burnout and frustrations of caring for a dying child. Many nurses have claimed to have moral and ethical distress which in turn, can lead to feelings of helplessness and anger (Morgan, 2009, p. 88). Health care providers may also feel personal pain during the care of a dying child (Morgan, 2009, p. 88). Many health care providers and families feel like there is a lack of communication about the disease and treatments the child is receiving, as well as the patients often feel like they do not have a voice about treatments (Hsiao, Evan & Zeltzer, 2007, p.361). The lack of education and knowledge about paediatric palliative care leads to society treating the subject of paediatric palliative as taboo and forbidden to talk about because no one wants to admit that children unfortunately die (Morgan, 2009, p. 87). Research has shown that many patients will benefit from paediatric palliative care programs and education, but studies have shown that out of 3,000 hospitals in the United States, less than ten percent have programs for end-of life care based toward children (Morgan, 2009, ... ...are of paediatric palliative child. Online resources would be beneficial for families who are in rural areas or who do not have access to many places because of the limitations on travel due to their child’s illness because everyone wants information about what is happening during this difficult time to ease some of the concerns. Inservices, IPPC, simulations, ACNs and communication are all needed in order for the health care providers to maintain and provide a therapeutic relationship with the patient and their families. With better education about paediatric palliative care, knowledge of the effects of caring for paediatric palliative care on the health care providers, communication between families, patients and health care providers about paediatric palliative care, can provide a therapeutic relationship with families and patients during a very difficult time.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Bitstream Human Resource Management Essay
This case study is related with the selection process- the process of selection is about choosing the right people for the right job. In this case we assume that we have already chosen interview as an appropriate instrument to measure candidate’s performance in selection criteria. Our task will be to prepare right questions for the candidates that let us predict the most adequate candidate for the job. Bitstream is a software company that has identified an opportunity to develop and market a new product. The company develops digitalized type fonts for display type font for display screens and technology. Their revenues come from retail sales and OEM sales. Jim Sole, the brand new president was hired in 1992 to substitute the former president, the founder of the company. Jim was a very successful professional and had much great experience in this area. Jim found the organization needing some changes, like a reorganization of the structure, a clear clarification of the short/term goals and a need to enhance the teamwork within the company. These problems would be solved with reorganization of the bonus plan they have, and to delegate decisions to the employees, to make them have the need to have responsibilities and decision making power. This company had grown at a rate of 25% and had a forecast of future growth at 15%. The regular growth, plus a 15% nominal turnover in the company shows that almost 40% of people from one year to another are new. They come up with the idea of developing a network print manager, related to the work they do in the printing environment. This new product would handle printing times, printing queues or even different specifications of the work to be printed. It requires already market-existing technology but also innovation made by the company. There is a new project in the hand of the company and is a great eager to the appearance of this product in this market, and is known that there is a market segment to this product easily identifiable. To complete this task correctly, Jim Sole started looking for the right person to fill the gap of the new project manager. He talked with his friend Peter Dromeshauser, an executive recruiter (â€Å"Head Hunter) and gave him some indications concerning the job. Peter then come up with 4 names that we are going to analyze in the following. CRITERIA FOR FILLING THE POSITION: There are some aspects of selection criteria like checking the individual’s personality cross match with the requirement so for this Jim Sole can do following things. Conduct a test for job with required specifications Job requirement can be objectively evaluated in matrix/tabulated formed and personalities of each individual could be assessed based on test interview and questionnaires. Primary task would then confine to select the test for candidate. This test should be planned with industrial psychologist and may contain test interview or test questionnaire. Requirement for job has been 1. Candidate should be able to imbibe the culture of organization and in BITSTREAM there was problem that due to talented employee it became a political place and sometime became difficult to align them to organization goals. 2. Since it is mentioned in case that for sales and marketing jobs it had been a hard task to verify their qualities to handle the organization with new plans and achieve set target for sales. 3. Before going to further selection procedure Jim can reject individuals by having evaluated some preliminary criteria. E.g. Salary expected after negotiation, would they like to work with emerging companies. 4. Jim can formulate a questionnaire specifically evaluating the requirement of job; he wanted to be in employee. This includes better decision maker, better understanding of existing network, aggressive in strategies etc. 5. Content of questionnaire and test interview should be to evaluate how individual will react to particular situation, analytical questions related to human relationship management, related to target achievement in sales, new product launch. This would help to assess their individual qualification and experience with respect to their requirement much better. To ensure that the interview will be valid we first review job specification and develop â€Å"checklist†with relevant criteria for the job. According to the CVs we have received we can then register our assessment relative to each of the important job dimensions. Trough the reading of this case, we are given a series of indications that show the key criteria to fill the position. Therefore, we found pertinent main points to characterize the four candidates, and gave a scale in terms of importance to them, to have a general overview of their qualities and fitting to the job. * Relation with Novel *Entrepreneurial skill (flexibility, intellectual curiosity, risk taking) * Experience in new Launch * VAR Experience * Networking Experience *Salary *Team work * Relation with Novel Criteria: SALARY- Encompasses a simple yes or no answer. It is acknowledged that Bitstream offers up to $120,000 in wages. This includes $80,000 in salary, $40,000 for bonus potential plus stock options from the company. This is perceived as the highest bid to offer to candidates since it was seen adequate to the market reality. Additionally, a higher offer could disrupt the salary structure of the firm. ENTREPRENEURIAL SKILL- Within this terminology we consolidated 3 major characteristics that the company looks for: Intellectual curiosity, flexibility and risk taking. This means that we look for a person who is open minded and willing to learn, who responds well to any given environmental change while regarding risk as a challenge. TEAMWORK- Is the ability to work with other people in order to achieve a common goal. This means that it is necessary to partially sacrifice personal ambition and goals. DECISION MAKING- Regarded to be one of the most important attributes in business management, especially in small organizations. It is the ability to â€Å"make the call†and it requires a lot of self confidence, knowledge and courage. EXPERIENCE IN NEW LAUNCH- This job will require someone who has experience in the distribution channel. The product needs to be in the right time at the right place. A good Communication channel is also necessary since we will be introducing a new product with a new set of characteristics where advertising and promotion play an important role, therefore making marketing knowledge a valuable tool. VAR AND NETWORK CHANNELS- VAR (value added retail) and Network channels are important since it is the working tool. VAR will be the active channel that the company is going to use, while network channel is the background of the companies activity Those grades presented in front of the topics are the top punctuation the candidates can have and give a rate of importance we have given to them. Mr. Mitchell was discarded by us because of the need of a higher salary, which could be a problematic issue with other employees and create a bad environment. Although he has a very impressive CV and many good managerial, social and entrepreneurial characteristics the salary issue is related with the well-being of the company, and therefore it is of our opinion he must be discarded. Adding, he might be the older of the four candidates (according to the year of finishing degree), and as he is working in a big company, he might not have the experience of small company relations and procedures, a point Jim referred would be important.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
African Initiated Churches, African Independent Churches, and African Indigenous Churches
Protestant churches in Africa with the areas of strongest participation being in Kenya, Nigeria, and Southern Africa. Most often they arose as disagreements between African Christians and Western Missionaries. Although many have been influenced by the western missionaries, the difficulty was found in the African traditions being blended with Christianity.While many of them share cultural assumptions, most reject the traditions of African religion as evil. The growing number of churches can be attributed to the charismatic feel of their religious practice. For example, they may all wear the same color robe with the same pattern or design on them to distinguish themselves from the more traditional religions.They still demonstrate a certain amount of syncretism and use it as a foundation to bring African Christians together. In an effort to be identified with Christianity they include â€Å"Holy Spirit†in the name for some of their churches.The premise for th e use of â€Å"Holy Spirit†is that they exist as an intentional act of the Holy Spirit who, they believe, is able to move about and do whatever he wants to do unencumbered by traditions or any other man-made parameters.The role it plays in the 21st century has been one of theological education and church administration. However, the one thing that causes them to grow at such a rapid pace is the practice of healing and promised protection from evil.They declare a message of hope to the African people by preaching Christian values that include healing and protection from evil spirits, and by so doing they offer implicit theology that appeals to the African people.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Rules of Negotiation in Construction Contract Management
Rules of Negotiation in Construction Contract Management Negotiation role in contract management cannot be downplayed. It is the surest way through which companies and other multinational bodies secure tenders to undertake any project or even land a business deal. Negotiation itself takes place in between two or more parties and lead to a common resolution, an agreement for a common goal or course of action. It leads to overall content of the two parties and intends to achieve compromise. Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Rules of Negotiation in Construction Contract Management specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More For the success of the negotiation to be achieved, both parties must contribute. It should not be a monologue, but rather a dialogue. When the term negotiation is mentioned various aspect comes into play such as the venue, when or the time for negotiation, aggression in the push of the agenda, the role played among many other issues. Negotiation process normally revo lves around the issue at hand, preferably the pre-contract issue. In a more systematic manner the real process of agreement eventually follows. Unfortunately one of the parties may fail to confer to the agreed terms and conditions or even the indulgence of another third party that breaches the contract. This then trickles to a post- contract claim by the other party, which in the end may either lead to contract termination or restating of the contract afresh. In a more coherent manner the essay tries to give a simple summary of various rules of negotiation. For any negotiation to be a success in contract management, preparations must take place. To avoid any inconveniences that may result from date fixation, each stakeholder should be informed prior to match with their diaries. The days leading to the agreed date should be occupied with events culminating to the main negotiation event. These events may include, holiday trips, vocational meetings. At other times, the day of negotia tion may be placed in a tight schedule. The last minute rush leads to little or no time to gather the necessary information or indulge in constructive consultation. Ample time is essential for negotiation to be successful. The negotiator should arrange for the pre-meeting. The parties involved should see the importance of attending the pre-meeting. The meeting should not in any manner be treated with triviality, but rather crucial and essential. It is at this meeting that the plan for negotiation is drawn up and any discontent of the participants met. It should not be treated as a presumption that the participants have all the information necessary for negotiation to commence.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The pre-meeting serves to establish a negotiation plan and assimilate the necessary information. Contributions by each party are made at this area. Preparatory meeting also equip the negotiator with the necessary information that is needed sorting out what is of importance and discarding the irrelevant information. Relevant information helps in proper time management since it enables the negotiator to stick to the plan. It is also at this pre-meeting where the negotiator interacts with the participants through asking of questions. Any material of relevance is also submitted at this stage. The parties should not withdraw any information they regard to be of essence. The preparatory meeting is also involved in weakness identification of one party. The meeting drafts the counter measures to be used if the other party capitalizes on the weaknesses. The meeting also serves in identifying the kind of people one is dealing with. The information obtained from the preparatory meeting helps in planning. It gives the clear-cut objectives, for the negotiator and the other two parties and also how the objectives can be attained for compromise. This creates the avenue for an agreement to be reached. The objective of each group is identified together with their real needs. The background information for each group is also identified and the key information is fed to the lead negotiator. The real needs of the opponent are also taken into consideration as some of the issues raised may not augur well with the opposition. The issues raised should not be treated with negligence. The other side may easily not be coerced and it is very vital for the other party to know what these issues are. Once the issues are known depending on the progress of negotiation talks, it helps one to bring a breakdown in the negotiation talks. The most difficult parts for the opposition to yield should be taken into consideration. After the objective search, a well-established plan is laid out. Not everything that is planned succeeds, thus no matter how the plan is, there are inevitable events. However, the existence of a plan gives a stable framework thr ough which the ideas to be covered are dealt with without the divergence from the mainstream idea. It also helps to keep the negotiation talks on course. A negotiation plan should always be drafted taking into consideration each and every aspect.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Rules of Negotiation in Construction Contract Management specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The objectives for each party involved must be viable to help the lead negotiator comprehend the true stand. Both parties should also strive to be realistic. Being honest is crucial to the success of any negotiation. For the negotiator to strike a balanced deal, the negotiator must know the real truth. This is only achieved by thorough briefing to the lead negotiator. The plan should not at any moment exclude the intended structure of negotiation. If the discussion proceeds to the plan as intended, success can be achieved. A well-structured plan should have at least an opening position, the order through which negotiation will take place, the manner through which the issues will be raised. The most significant thing in any negotiation is for each team to define their respective roles and the contributions to make. Each member in the negotiation group should be briefed on the subject tackled and the process of negotiation process. The members in the negotiation process should have a role to play. In all negotiation talks the leader forms their epicenter thus should be respected. The leader is responsible for the success of any negotiation talks. He provides the guidelines to be followed. All participants should be case sensitive and pay attention. The worst thing that can happen to a leader is when the leading role is compromised. This drains down to deviation from the stipulated negotiation plan. Even though nothing goes as planned, both parties must stick to the plan. Diversion from the plan is the leader doing. No new informati on should be tabled without the consent of the leader. The teams involved should be united until the closure of the process. The credibility of the team is put into question if it appears to be divided. Any disagreement should not be made public, but should be treated discreetly. Sometimes it is of benefit to feign ignorance and evade some questions which may jeopardize the strength of the team. Questions which may seem to be obvious should be avoided. Questions which seem to be difficult for one to answer should be avoided especially those that are out of an individual profession. One should also be economical in answering questions. The questions should also be answered with a lot of certainty. Information should not be volunteered. This leads to objective lose and revelation of the secrets to the other group. Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More In the push for their views the teams should be aggressive, but in a formal manner. Negotiations at any instance are not easy, but they are tough and time involving. The other aspect of negotiation is the attainment of satisfaction. Good principles should be observed after the process of negotiation.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Dictionary of Old and Obsolete Occupations - P
Dictionary of Old and Obsolete Occupations - P The occupations found recorded in documents from prior centuries often appear unusual or foreign when compared to the occupations of today. The following occupations are generally now considered old or obsolete. Packman - a peddler; a person who traveled around carrying goods for sale in his pack Page - a young mail servant Palmer - a pilgrim; one who had been, or pretended to have been, to the Holy Land. See also the surname PALMER. Paneler - saddler; one who makes, repairs or sells saddles, harnesses, horse collars, bridles, etc. for horses. A panel or pannel was a short saddle raised on both ends for small burdens carried on horseback. Pannarius - A Latin name for a clothier or draper, also known as a haberdasher, or a merchant who sells clothing. Pannifex - seller of woolen cloth, or sometimes a generic occupational term for someone who worked in the cloth trade Pantographer - someone who operated a pantograph, a device used in the engraving process to draw a replica of an image by tracing. Pardoner - originally someone who collected money on behalf of a religious foundation, a pardoner came to be synonymous with an individual who sold pardons, or indulgences, which implied that time in purgatory would be pardoned if one prayed for the souls there and made a donation to the church through the pardoner. Parochus - rector, pastor Patten maker, Pattener - one who made pattens to fit under normal shoes for use in wet or muddy conditions. Pavyler - someone who erected tents and pavilions. Peever - a seller of pepper Pelterer - skinner; one who worked with animal skins Perambulator - a surveyor or someone who made inspection of property on foot. Peregrinator - an itinerant wanderer, from the Latin peregrÄ «nÄ tus, meaning to travel abroad. Peruker or peruke maker - a maker of gentlemans wigs in the 18th and 19th century Pessoner - a fishmonger, or seller of fish; from the French poisson, meaning fish. Petardier - A person in charge of a petard, a 16th century bomb used to breach fortifications during sieges. Pettifogger - a shyster lawyer; especially one who deals with petty cases and raised petty, annoying objections Pictor - painter Pigmaker - someone who poured molten metal to make pigs for distribution of raw metals. Alternatively, a pigmaker could be a crockery or pottery maker. Pigman - crockery dealer or a pig herder Pilcher - a maker of pilches, a type of outer garment made of skin or fur, and later of leather or wool. See also the surname PILCH. Pinder - An officer appointed by a parish to impound stray beasts, or a keeper of the pound Piscarius - fishmonger Pistor - miller or baker Pitman / Pit man - a coal miner Plaitor - someone who makes straw plaits for hat making Plowman - a farmer Ploughwright - one who makes or repairs plows Plumber - one who worked with lead; eventually came to apply to a tradesman who installed or repaired (lead) pipes and drains Porcher - pig-keeper Porter - gate-keeper or door-keeper Potato Badger - merchant who peddled potatoes Pot Man - a street merchant selling pots of stout and porter Poulterer - dealer in poultry; poultry merchant Prothonotary - principal clerk of a court Puddler - wrought iron worker Pynner/Pinner - a maker of pins and needles; sometimes other wire articles such as baskets and bird cages Explore more old and obsolete occupations and trades in our free Dictionary of Old Occupations and Trades!
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Hundred Years War Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1
Hundred Years War - Assignment Example Under their rule, they united England and a part of continent in the Northern France. In 12th century the possessions of English kings in France were significantly increased due to the marriage connections in Central and Western France. After a long and difficult struggle, the French monarchy managed to regain all these lands in the early 13th century. Together with the traditional possessions of French kings these lands formed the core of the modern France. However, there were left the territories between the Pyrenees and the Loire Valley under the English rule. In England these territories were called the Gascony (Duiker, and Spielvogel 378). The latter became one the main causes of the Hundred Years War. Further preservation of the English rule in the South Western part of France made the condition of the Capetian Dynasty insecure. It prevented the political centralization of the country. For England, instead, these possessions could serve a platform for an effort to restore the p revious vast ownership on the continent. Another object of sharp contradictions was Scotland. Its independence was threatened by England’s invasions. In search of political support in Europe, Scottish kings sought to alliance with France, the main opponents of the English crown (Allmand 9). With the worsening of Anglo-French conflict, both monarchies also tried to strengthen their positions in the Iberian Peninsula. Pyrenean countries were of the particular interest for English kings, because they bordered with the English Gascony. All these resulted in the military-political alliances: the Franco-Castilian, the Franco-Scottish, and the alliance between the British Crown and the towns of Flanders (Netherlands) (Allmand 23). The history of Hundred Years War is relatively divided into four stages, between which there were period of relatively long calm. The first stage began with the declaration
Friday, November 1, 2019
Buiness Communication - Chariman's Statement Essay
Buiness Communication - Chariman's Statement - Essay Example Background Information Apple is a company that has a long history from the time it was started in the year 1977 to its current position in the market. All through the company has endeavoured to bring the best user experience to its customer through innovative products and services. Apple Inc provides hardware, software, services and internet services in the industry to satisfy their esteemed customer and to develop an effective IT front which is necessary in the development of the world economy. The company sells both manufactured products as well as third party goods. The organizational progressive growth for the last five years is a result of our committed customers and we expect to maintain this mutual relationship in the long term. Business Strategy Innovation has been a core competency strategy for Apple Inc. From the time when the Mac-OS developed its desktop hardware, the organization has strived to meet the demands of a dynamic IT industry. The organization has successfully d eployed recent competent hardware requirements in the industry. The iPad tablet series have formed part of its innovation scheme that has continuously improved portability, efficiency, hardware capacity and seamless technology that demanded in the industry today. The organization has ventured into research to develop it to gather the consumer tastes and to develop products that satisfy the consumers. The organization allocated $1.8 billion towards research in the year 2010 as part of its strategy to satisfy its customers through research driven innovative products and services. Effective leadership and teamwork has assisted the organization to successfully deploy this strategy. Products and Services The organization seeks to satisfy the market with modern IT hardware requirements that are up to the technology demanded in the market environment. The iPhone, iPod, iPad, Mac-computers and Apple TV have formed part of the organizations focus on the digital hardware in the market environ ment. In addition, the organization has developed its personal software products to satisfy the unique hardware requirements of its hardware products. The IOS and Mac OS have formed part of the operating system for the organization's products. On the other hand, the company has provided application software such iLife and iWork which are integrated in the Mac-OS are professional suites that are critical in driving business operations. Apple’s customer focus includes majorly the education sector, the enterprise, government and creative market environments. Market and Logistics Apple continues to enjoy a global customer loyalty that is reflected in our business turnover for the year ended 2010. In general, the organization reported an improvement in its sales over the last five years and the project is expected to be reflected in the coming years. The company is targeting more customers each year to ensure that it remains profitable in the long term. The competition in the mark et has become stiff with more organization pushing their business to international levels. Nokia in the mobile industry and Microsoft in the software industry have posed a tough competition for Apple. Research and Development The management team at Apple has future prospects to expand its business operation internationally and still
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